Tony's Thailand keynote on Creating Innovators now available for viewing

Tony recently traveled to Chiang Mai, Thailand to work with the faculty and staff of the Think Global School. While there, he gave a special presentation to the Think Global and PTIS International School communities. This is his first videotaped keynote about his forthcoming book, Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change The World, and it includes questions from both students and teachers in the audience. Click here to view the video or search for Creating Innovators on YouTube. His presentation starts at the 5 minute mark. The first ten minutes after that is a summary of key ideas from his last book, The Global Achievement Gap. If you are familiar with that work, you may want to skip to the 16:30 mark where Tony begins to discuss themes from his new book.You can also read the blog of a 14 year-old Thai student who attended his presentation here.

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